Archive for January, 2012


21 Day Vegan Challenge- Introduction

January 13, 2012

I am already a plant-based eater/ casual vegetarian for a few reasons……. thus it seemed natural to give veganism an effort.   Plant based food has a much bigger nutrient level than meat products.    Also, the treatment of animals has changed significantly as the industry has changed.  The animals are treated poorly and are shoved full of so many hormones that is hazardous to the health of both the animals and the humans that eat them.

My idea is to take “the challenge” instead of committing to a full conversion; this way I can make some adaptations to my current lifestyle and integrate better choices.   I strive towards healthy eating, which sometimes my efforts are lost to cravings, social gatherings, and simply a lack of time.  One small change and step at a time lead to a much greater success than overwhelming myself.

I hope you enjoy being a part of my journey.