
Be Still

April 5, 2013

“Before you speak, it is necessary for you to LISTEN, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.”  ~ Mother Theresa

st lawrence stillness

Busy, busy.  Running around, working, training, cooking, cleaning, working, working, working.

Faced with several important decisions in life right now, I find that I am simply incapable of giving energy to these choices, thus postponing them for uncertain periods of time- perhaps indefinitely?  The dilemma at hand is that I have no time to think and process.  Consistent with most of society, my life abides by the “go-go-go” behaviour and lacks serenity.  The Universe has been gently nudging me…sloooooow down!

To paraphrase what was so eloquently said by an acquaintance:

“Our life is like a pond.  In the busyness we ruffle we water and create waves.  During these times we cannot see beyond the ripples and the waves and only obtain what is on the surface.  Paramount to our souls, from time to time, we need to be still- allow the water to calm.  It is only then we are able to achieve clarity and look deep within in ourselves.  Only in times of stillness are we able to see beyond the surface and look to the depths of the pond.”

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