

May 4, 2012

Calories, vitamins, minerals, nutrients- these words are common knowledge to any person, but phytochemicals, however; raise a few brows from time to time.  In fact, word processors underline it as a spelling error.

In short phytochemicals are properties found in plants (fruits, vegetables, beans, & grains) that have disease fighting and preventive agents.  Dr. Furhman explains quite extensively in his book how these phytochemicals are key to the prevention and the treatment of many health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease,  and high blood pressure.  Phytochemicals can stimulate enzymes that break down carcinogens and also prevent cancerous cells from multiplying.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits guarantee a diet rich in phytochemicals.  There is no research (that I am aware of) that indicates these phytochemicals can be gained in pill format with even close to the same success.

Go plants go!

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